4 Reasons + Ways to Meditate

Meditation is a powerful practice that has been used for centuries around the world. It can have numerous benefits for both mental and physical health. By focusing on breathing and mindfulness, meditation can help:

  1. improve emotional well-being + inner peace

  2. reduce stress + lower blood pressure + anxiety 

  3. better sleep + increased attention during the day

  4. develop a sense of compassion towards oneself and others

Incorporating meditation into your daily routine can lead to significant improvements in both physical and mental health. Start reaping the benefits of this ancient practice today!

We offer a variety of ways for you to incorporate meditation into your routine:

  1. Stay a little longer in final savasana: Take an extra 5 minutes after class to meditate and center yourself.

  2. Attend one of our in-person meditation classes: Check out The Foundry app for information on our 30-minute guided meditations.

  3. Practice with us online: Access our on-demand library for meditation classes, with more options coming soon.

  4. Enroll in Meditation Teacher Training this summer: Join our hybrid training program to establish a regular meditation practice and gain a deeper understanding of meditation.

Billboards Baby!!!

We are starting the year off with a bang at The Foundry!

We are on 11 billboards all across Phoenix!

This is HUGE for our small family-owned business.

These are billboards usually occupied by national brands.

Grateful that Clear Channel reached out to us wanting to get a local brand some major recognition.

To celebrate this huge milestone, we are giving away an ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP on our Instagram! To enter, snap a picture of one of the billboards and post & tag us on social media. Almost all of our billboards are in parking lots - so you can safely pull over, park, and get out to take the pic. Please no pictures while driving!! Be safe, fam. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE GIVEAWAY HERE.

The Foundry Flagstaff named BEST YOGA STUDIO in Flagstaff!

The Foundry Flagstaff named BEST YOGA STUDIO in Flagstaff!

We are so honored to win the Best of Flag award for BEST YOGA STUDIO this year!

We absolutely love being a part of the Downtown Flagstaff community and the Flagstaff Yoga Community.

We are celebrating by giving everyone a FREE CLASS to our Flagstaff studio in January 2024.

Join us for a free hot yoga or fitness class in the new year!